"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you" (Psalm 32:8 NIV).

Looking through my telephoto lens framing this picture of five Canadian Geese, I was amazed at how close they fly to each other. They were beginning to form a v pattern as they flew higher. According to scientists there are two reasons why Canadian Geese fly in the v formation. First, it helps conserve their energy. Each bird flies a little higher than the bird in front of him, resulting in less wind resistance. They take turns being in the front then shifting to the back when they are tired so they can travel greater distances. Second, flying in the v formation helps the birds communicate better and keep track of each other.
If our incredible creator takes so much care to install this kind of guidance chip in the blueprint of these Canadian Geese, just think how much more care He takes in guiding His children.
The Psalmist writes how God takes time to instruct and teach us the right way to go. He doesn't just give us a lesson in guidance but He keeps His eye on us because He knows us well. He knows we make a mess of things when we try on our own. So like a patient instructor, He is ready to step in and give us more guidance.