"Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with my right hand of righteousness" (Isaiah 41:10 NASB).

This comforting message God speaks through Isaiah to Israel comes in a time of crisis. Forced to leave their homes, Israel is now in exile in Babylon.
When I look through my macro lens at this tiny half inch moth basking in the warm sunshine I think of the "hope" we have in Christ! When I look in wonder at the moth's beauty, I'm aware that it's vivid colors were born through much pain and struggle. Slowly following this little moth through a field of flowers watching it flutter around in the sunshine, I was reminded that our life here on earth is so short and is often filled with pain and suffering, but we have a treasure like none other, a hope that one day we will live in the warm light of the Son for eternity.
God wanted Israel not to fear for even though their life circumstances had drastically changed, they were still HIS chosen people. They didn't need to be afraid because God was with them, They could be calm for the God of Heaven is more than able to preserve them and strengthen them. He promises to uphold them, enabling them to rise above their circumstances through the power and might of HIS right hand of righteousness (His faithfulness).
This same message of comfort and promise to strengthen, preserve, and uphold is ours today as well. The circumstances all around us have drastically changed but God's faithfulness has not! If we turn off the news and take time to meditate on Him and His words we will find that His peace will calm our fears and His promises will give us hope again that we don't have to be afraid of tomorrow!