"Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and staff, they comfort me" (Psalm 23:4 NIV).

The Psalmist, David, speaks here from his life experience. He had been in a valley with a lion, a bear, and a giant--and had killed them all. He had traveled through many dark valleys as he hid from king Saul who sought to kill him. In every one of those dark valleys, David experienced God's comfort and peace.
Sitting on the ground looking through the lens at the great blue heron silhouetted by the early morning sunlight, I was reminded of a time my family drove through a dark valley in Africa. In 1974, when I was a baby, my family drove through Mozambique on the way to South Africa. As we drove around the corner of a dirt road, my Dad saw many rebel soldiers on both sides of the road waving their Ak-47's in the air. As Dad slowed down, the soldiers on both sides of the car aimed their machine guns at us. My parents began to pray in the Spirit. Soldiers in those parts where known for their drug use and erratic, violent behavior. They could have fired on us at any moment. My Dad didn't stop or roll down the windows. As my parents continued to pray, Dad drove slowly through the line of soldiers. After we finally passed the last soldiers, Dad was able to speed up and get away.
When our family returned to the United States, my parents visited a little church where they met an incredible lady. She told my parents that God had awakened her early one morning and told her to pray for the Lund family. She Knelt by her bed and prayed until the burden lifted. As my parents inquired about when this had happened, they discovered that this dear lady was praying for us at the exact time when we were driving through the soldiers in Mozambique. Prayer works!