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  • Danny Lund

Lessons my Dad, Mom, & Jamie Taught Me (From Danny's e-book)

"Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial, because having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him. (James 1:12)

Early one cold fall morning, I was filled with wonder and awe as I watched the Master Artist paint the vivid red and orange colors in this sunrise. As a photographer, I have discovered that often the most beautiful breathtaking sunrises and sunsets take place right after dark storms. This reminds me of something I observed in watching my father, mother, and late wife, Jamie. They viewed their walk with cancer as an opportunity for God to use them in greater ways to be a light in this dark world. Their questions of, "Why God?" turned into, "Use me to bring glory to your name."

Often it is in the middle of dark raging storms that the Master Artist takes His paintbrush and dips it deep down inside of us. He then brings out vivid colors He placed in us before we were even born and places them on His palette. He uses each one of those bright colors to paint a beautiful painting in the sky. Then when people look at us, they no longer see the darkness of the storm-they see the brightness of His sustaining presence. Lives are transformed and He receives all the glory and honor!

My three family members taught me that true victory is not necessarily when God takes our trials away. Often, true victory is when He walks with us through the trials and dark storms enabling us by His strength to rise above them. They persevered in His strength, stood the test, and have received their crown of life. Thousands of lives will continue to be impacted from the seed they planted until that great day when our Heavenly Father calls us to Himself.

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