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The Result of Loving God's Word

Danny Lund

"Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble" (Psalm 119:165 NIV).

The Psalmist speaks here of a peace found deep within, a peace planted by God in the depths of our soul. In the raging winds and the crashing waves of the storms around us, there is a constant calm holding together not only those who do God's will, but who with their whole heart, love to do it.

No outside force weather it be the pressure from the difficulties of this life or events like persecution, temptation, and loss aimed at knocking us off of our feet can rob us of this peace from God!

When you have been tossed back and forth by the weight of circumstances out of your control, when your strength is gone, and you feel like you just can't go on, His word is an anchor that will steady your soul like no other. Those who love His word possess a confidence in His promises that results in an unshakeable peace!

I was broken and grieving the morning I took this picture of a duck completely at rest floating on the glassy mirror like water. I remember literally feeling Gods peace wrap around me like a blanket. My friend, there is nothing like taking a hold of God's word and standing on His promises even when you don't understand why things are the way they are. You will be surprised how His peace will keep you!


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