Grab your zoom lens and set your camera to aperture priority then enter the lowest aperture number the lens will go to. The camera will automatically set the shutter speed. All you need to do now is adjust the ISO. I used my prime Nikor 80-200 f/2.8 zoom lens with the above stated settings to take pictures of these leaves. The great benefit of taking with a zoom lens is the beautiful bokeh (background blur) you will get. When you compose the picture adjust the position which you are taking the picture from often and pay attention to the background. If possible frame the picture so that other leaves in the background are being blurred behind the ones in focus. Click on the arrow in the picture below to see more pictures. PS. (If you have a Nikon camera, adjust the color settings to "vivid." This will bring out more color in the leaves.
Winter Leaves
Danny Lund
Updated: Apr 16, 2020